Academia-Community Collaboration for Solidarity and Empowerment of Excluded Communities
The project
The Academia-Community Collaboration for Solidarity and Empowerment of Excluded Communities is a multi-annual, social inclusion programme funded in 2011 by the Council for Higher Education in Israel. The programme is running at the regional level, in the Northern part of Israel. The programme is implemented by the University of Haifa, in partnership with local municipalities, other higher learning institutions and various local NGOs. The programme consists of four interrelated action pillars and 15 social inclusion projects. Each of these projects aim at enhancing vulnerable populations’ wellbeing (such as Arabs, Ethiopian and Russian Jews) and improving their access to social services by providing them with legal advice, and empowering them with leadership capacity building and educational opportunities. Crosscutting issues such as gender, violence prevention, mitigation and response, as well as minority rights are mainstreamed in the programme.
Implementing partners: University of Haifa, Municipality of Haifa, Israel Elwyn
Project funder: Council for Higher Education, Ministry of Education
Location: Northern Israel
Duration: 2012 – ongoing
Monitoring and evaluation
Client: University of Haifa
Tasks: Developing a multi-annual monitoring and evaluation system for the programme, which encompasses the 15 sub projects and combines “Developmental Evaluation Approach”, “Outcome Mapping” methodology and “Result Based Management”
designing and facilitating surveys, focus group discussions and workshops,
collecting, aggregating and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data,
drafting and publishing semi-annual and annual monitoring and evaluation reports since 2012
Facilitating the partnership’s strategic planning process.
Advising implementing partners on resource development.
Duration: January 2012 - 2017
Thematic area: education, community building
2012 mid-term and annual evaluation reports
2013 annual evaluation report
2014 annual evaluation report
2015 annual evaluation report
2016 annual evaluation report
2017 annual evaluation report