Respecting Refugees' and Asylum-Seekers' Socio-economic Rights
The project
Respecting Refugees and Asylum-Seekers’ Socio-economic Rights is a 30-month project funded by the European Union, and implemented jointly by the Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Assaf), the Center for International Migration and Integration (CIMI) and the Refugee Rights Clinic at the Tel Aviv University (RRC). The project aims at promoting the socio-economic rights – in accordance with international human rights standards – of the African refugees and asylum-seeker population currently residing in Israel. The project works towards its main objective by directly empowering and assisting refugees and asylum seekers, raising awareness among key decision makers, policy implementers as well as the general public and by advocating for social and policy change.
Implementing organizations: Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Israel, Center for International Migration and Integration, Refugee Rights Clinic
Project funder: European Union
Location: Central and Southern Israel
Project duration: October 2015 – March 2018
Monitoring and evaluation
Client: ASSAF
Tasks: Designing a monitoring and evaluation system for the project:
designing data collection tools (including cultural validation process, translation and back translation)
collecting baseline and mid-term data
drafting and publishing the mid-term evaluation report
advising on the final evaluation
Duration: October 1st 2015 - March 2018
Thematic area: migrants & refugees, human rights
Deliverable: baseline data, mid-term evaluation report